Matthew Harmar

Multimedia specialist

About this website

‘Engle’ is a Multimedia brand, I want to make the best media that we are proud of, represents who we are as human beings whether it’s ahead for it’s time or Old-school and that we would recommend to our citizens and friends hopefully in the future. We’re very experimental, sometimes we admit to mistakes, we don’t judge, we want to put ourselves out there as the most secure people ever.

I’m based mainly in the United Kingdom at Brighton & Hove, I’d consider myself as a future Film-Maker and Multimedia specialist. I've been Active on the internet since August 6th 2013 when I only just turned 13 years old. I’ve always been into making videos and content at a really young age well before I turned 13, which is what gave me the skills to make YouTube videos, some years later when I was 19, I passed my course of doing a Level 3 Dipolma in Art, Design and Graphics but Film-Making has been my strongest point of what I'm capable off and furthermore, graduated from doing a bachelor's Degree in Film & TV as making films about topics and stories I'm into has been my passion, in-between when I did my degree and Diploma course (which was my gap year), I’ve been also learning how to code, I know how to do HTML and CSS. And during my time at University at the age of 21, I came out as Transvestite. Furthermore in politics I’ve identified as being a ‘Selective Centrist’, I’m a member of the Liberal Democrats (UK), meaning I’ve always been Moderate leaning and that I can decide which political opinion is best for me and for everyone else wether it’s Right or Left wing, it also means as I’m a Centrist, I’m more likely to be open-minded between both sides and also claim to be a strong Mens Rights Activist supporter. So this is where I'm at with my life so far I don't know what the future has for me but I believe it's something I can be working on as I believe the future is more important than the past, I'm not saying the past is irrelevant we take some good things that happened in the past (Also Known as old school) and lead it on but I'm more focused on making things creative as possible and to make things well ahead of its time.

If you’re intrested in getting to know more about me as an individual you can Follow me on Instagram at matthew_harmar07, or send me a friend request on Facebook as long as you let me know that you found me through my website, you’ll be fine.

About Me